Pregnancy Massage

When you’re pregnant, people often tell you you’re glowing.

It’s true.

And sometimes under that pregnant glow is a woman who’s tired, stressed, or in pain. A woman who needs support.

Pregnancy is miraculous. And it can be a challenging time as your body adapts to support the development of your baby.

Even the easiest pregnancies will bring great change to your body (and life!).

You and your future child deserve to experience this monumental transition with comfort and ease.

Pregnancy massage can be part of that.

I’m Nikki- Massage Therapist, owner of Vega Massage, and mother of three.

I know what it’s like to watch your body change before your eyes.

When I was pregnant, massage was a life saver.

It provided relief from sciatica and pain in my lower back, hips, feet, and legs. It improved my sleep. It helped me feel less stressed, and healthier all-around.

Massage helped me prepare for the birthing experience. I learned to scan my body for areas of tension and release them. I practiced breathing through pain. It was also a time to simply be with my body and my babies and prepare for their arrival.

After childbirth, massage relieved the muscle strain from breastfeeding and carrying my babies all day. It gave me much-needed time to rest and relax and helped me sleep better (when my babies let me!).

I can’t imagine going through my pregnancies without the support of massage. I want you to have that same support during yours.


“Getting regular massages from Nikki during both of my pregnancies was the best gift I gave myself. I always felt so relaxed and cared for by her, and I truly think she cares about supporting women during this special and important time in our lives.”

A. Varga

Benefits of Pregnancy Massage

●    Improved sleep
●    Relaxation and stress relief
●    Decreased muscle tension
●    Improved circulation
●    Relief from: sciatic nerve pain, leg cramps, muscle spasms, back pain, headaches

Reclaim your body

Many pregnant women feel like their bodies are no longer their own.

It’s understandable when so much energy is going towards the baby growing inside of them.

But you need attention and care too.

Not only because your child will benefit if you’re healthier. But simply because you deserve to feel good in your body.

Receive nurturing touch

Many pregnant women report feeling touch-deprived. Massage allows you to receive the touch you’re craving. Touch that is gentle, nurturing, and sensitive to the needs of your changing body.

Find comfort through the changes

Pregnancy causes many shifts in the body. Massage offers time and space to integrate these changes so you can develop a healthy and easeful relationship with your new body.


Women can begin massage at any point in their pregnancy. However you may not be able to receive massage if you are experiencing a high-risk pregnancy, pre-eclampsia, high blood pressure or diabetes. Always ask your Primary Care Physician or OB/GYN before receiving a massage.

Vega Massage is here to support you
through this life-changing transition.

Your baby deserves it. And so do you.